How do I view Assets?

Assets are correlated targets or targets with no relationships.

Last Updated: 7/8/2024


Assets are viewed within the Inventory page found on the navigation. Each Asset is either the primary target of a Same Scanner Duplicate or Different Scanner Duplicate relationship. Targets without any relationship are treated as primary targets.

You can leverage the Assets page to manage your inventory to ensure NopSec and your Scanners are looking at the right assets. 

Asset Inventory Page

Within the Asset Inventory page you will be able to see a few metric widgets at the top of the page, a query bar, and an asset table. 


The four default metrics released so far are:

  • Total Scanned Assets
    • This measures the total number of Assets across all scanners which have been correlated and deduplicated. This includes the number of Assets even if they do not have any active vuln instances.
  • Total Scanned Assets with Vuln Instances
    • This measures only the Assets which the scanners have provided with one or more vuln instances. This is the number of Targets visible in the Prioritize Page, as the prioritize page only shows targets with vuln instances.
  • New Assets in last 7 days
    • This measures the number of Assets found/correlated in the last 7 days.
  • New Targets in last 7 days
    • This measures the number of Targets found in the last 7 days.


The same interface for querying that is found within the Prioritize page has been brought to this page. You can query using the text input box or open up the Query Builder by clicking on the drawer icon at the end of the input text box. 

You will only be able to query using Target level metadata, unlike the Prioritize page querying system which include Vuln and Vuln Instance filters.

Asset Table

The Asset table displays all Assets within your system. 

Downloading Asset Reports

You can download a CSV report of all assets in your system by clicking on Download CSV button and clicking on All Data or filtering to the first X rows.

Opening Asset Details

You can click on the "Eye" icon similar to the Prioritize page to open up a specific Asset's Detail page.