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How do I create a Dashboard?

You will learn how to create a Dashboard and manage your Dashboards.

Last Updated: 2/19/2024


Top Left

  • Dashboard Name
  • Edit Dashboard button

Top Right 

  • Dashboard Layout Advanced Settings
  • Create New Dashboard button
  • Select Dashboard Dropdown (little arrow button next to create new dashboard button)

Dashboard Widgets


Creating a Dashboard

  1. Go to the Dashboard page.
    1. Click Create New Dashboard
      1. You will be presented with a new Dashboard that has no name.
        1. Enter any name you'd like. This has to be unique to you, meaning you cannot have two dashboards with the same name.
      2. As of 3/11/2024, you are now will be able to add the specific widgets you'd like to see by clicking on the Add Widget button in any empty widget spot.
    2. Add a Widget from the Widget Library
      1. By clicking on an Add Widget button you will be presented with a Widget Library drawer on the right.
      2. This Widget Library holds all of the existing widgets available for you to add to your dashboard. Y0u can do the following:
        1. Search the library by searching by any word found in the Title or Description.
        2. Read the description and visualization type for the widget.
      3. Once you find a widget you'd like to add you click on the "+ Add Widget" button for the specific widget card.
        1. The widget will be placed on the spot you selected. See advanced settings for more details and options.
    1. Click Save Dashboard
      1. This dashboard is automatically saved as one of your Favorites and will now display within the drop down in the split button menu so you can switch between your dashboards easily. 
      2. You can un-favorite a dashboard by opening your Dashboard Manager and clicking on the star next to the specific dashboard you'd like to un-favorite.

Setting your Default Dashboard

You can set your Default Dashboard aka. the dashboard that will load upon logging in or navigating to the Dashboard page by setting the order of your Dashboards within the Dashboard Manager modal. The first item in your list (the item at the top) will be your default dashboard.
  1. Click on the Dropdown next to the Create New Dashboard button to view your favorited dashboards.
  2. Click on the Dashboard Manager button.
  3. Re-order your list by using the arrows next to each dashboard. 
    1. The first icon, moves an item directly to the top.
    2. The second arrow icon, moves an item one row up.
    3. The third arrow icon, moves an item one row down.
    4. The fourth arrow icon, moves the item to the bottom of the list.
  4. Click Save.

Editing a Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the dashboard you'd like to edit by opening the Dropdown next to the Create Dashboard button and clicking on the dashboard you'd like to view.
  2. Once the dashboard has loaded, Click on the Customize Dashboard button next to the Dashboard name at the top of the page
    1. Note: You cannot edit any Dashboard with a Lock seen in the Dashboard Manager. These are currently NopSec controlled dashboards.
  3. You can now
    1. Re-order widgets.
      1. Click and hold on any empty spot in the widget, then drag wherever you'd like to place the widget to.
      2. By Default, the dashboard aims to auto-adjust your widgets vertically, meaning that the dashboard will aim to prevent any empty spaces by pushing all widgets to the top of their column.
      3. However, if you find that you need spaces or more control you can change the layout configuration by clicking on the Dashboard Layout Advanced Settings (the Cog icon) at the top right of the page. You will be presented with two options:
        1. Compaction = This is the setting that tells the framework how to compact (auto-arrange) the widgets while dragging them across the screen.
          1. Vertical - By default Vertical is set. Pushes items up for their column.
          2. Horizontal - this pushes items to the right for their row.
          3. None - No Compaction which means wherever you place a widget that's where it will stay. It will not push items to the top or to the right. Use this if you'd like to enforce spaces in your dashboard. This is also helpful when trying to place a widget in a specific spot even if only while editing (ie. you can switch back to Vertical or Horizontal after you move items in None).
        2. Collision = By default this is disabled. This feature tells the framework how widgets interact with each other. 
          1. Disabled = Widgets detect each other quickly and move each other.
          2. Enabled = Widgets do not detect themselves quickly you will have to drag widgets completely across other widgets in order to re-arrange them.
    2. Rename the dashboard
      1. Click on the Dashboard Name and edit it inline.
    3. Add a widget.
      1. Click on any empty Widget spot and click Add Widget.
    4. Remove a widget.
      1. Click on the X icon at the top right of the widget.
    5. Resize a widget.
      1. Click and hold on the bottom right corner of a widget and drag it to cover as many widget spots as needed.
  4. Hit Save

Favoriting a Dashboard

  1. By Default, all new dashboards are favorited.
  2. If you would like to un-favorite a Dashboard then:
    1. Press on the split menu arrow to open up the dropdown next to the Create Dashboard button.
    2. Click on Dashboard Manager.
    3. Find your Dashboard and click on the Start to unfavorite it.
    4. Then hit Save.
  3. If you would like to favorite a Dashboard repeat the steps above but:
    1. Click on the Star to favorite items.
    2. Hit Save.

Managing your Dashboards

  1. Press on the split menu arrow to open up the dropdown next to the Create Dashboard button.
  2. Click Dashboard Manager
  3. Within the Dashboard Manager you will see a list of all of your Dashboards.
  4. The order of the Dashboards is important as the item at the very top (first item) is your Default Dashboard. 
    1. To re-order dashboards use the arrows to move one item up or down. 
  5. You can Favorite or Un-Favorite a dashboard by clicking on the Star icon.
  6. You can Edit the Dashboard name by clicking on the Pencil edit button.
  7. You can Delete a Dashboard by clicking on the Trash Can button. 
  8. Hit Save when you are done managing your dashboards.