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How do I configure an integration with JIRA for Ticketing?


  1. You need a user's Email.
    1. This can be your username and password or a service account created specifically for this integration.
  2. Permissions required
    1. You need to be a user added to the specific Jira Projects you would like to place tickets in.
      1. This can be through Atlassian Groups or being added directly to a project.
      2. You have to have the appropriate Roles for the specific project you are integrating with.
  3. An API Key
    1. Using the user above, create an API key.
  4. The Jira URL

Create Jira API Key

  1. Log in to https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens.

  2. Click Create API token.

  3. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.

  4. Click Copy to clipboard, you can save the API key in a secure location, or paste directly to the NopSec Integration Credentials tab (steps below).

  5. Jira Documentation for these steps:  Create an API key.
  6. Note: If you cannot create an API key, you will need to submit a ticket to your Jira Admin team to help you either receive the privileges you need or to create a service account that is added to the appropriate projects and can generate an API key.

Connect NopSec with Jira 

  1. Login to NopSec 
    1. Your user needs to have the following permissions:
      1. integrations.read
      2. integrations.write 
  2. Click on Integrations
  3. Click on the Orchestration Tab
  4. Find the Jira Ticketing card and click on Add Integration
  5. Configure the following in the Credentials Tab
    • Connection Name : Provide a unique name for this connection. You will use this in the future when creating Destinations and it will be visible to users.
    • URL: This is your Jira URL (e.g. https://instance.atlassian.net) 
    • Email: Provide the email for the user that has access to the jira Project and API key.
    • API Token: Paste the Token generated in the steps above.
  1. Click ‘Save and Connect’

If the integration is successful, a success message will appear in the bottom right corner of the window, and you are ready to begin configuring your Destinations. 

Create Destinations

Destinations are the configurations for each ITSM project or table where you would like to allow your users to create tickets in. 

For example, Jira has the concept of Projects, where each can have issues configured to be unique based on your admins configuration. Each project receives a short Project Key name, ex. Project Name may be shortened to PN.

Within the Integrations Settings tab, you can create a Destination for each table you'd like to create tickets in.

Each Destination is configured for:

  • A specific list of users or teams who can create tickets in this destination. This allows you to restrict who can create tickets based on team or users.
  • A specific set of Group By settings, which allows you to restrict the types of tickets that will be created in your destination. For more information on Group By's read this.


  1. Go to Integrations
  2. Find the Jira Integration in your My Integrations tab
  3. Open the Integration card by clicking on the "arrow" button at the far right of the Jira card
  4. Click on "Go to Details"
  5. Click on the "Settings" tab
  6. Click on "Add Destinations"
  7. Type in the name of the Jira Project Key. ex. "PN" (do not use the full name, please use the project key)
  8. Place your user as one of the Recipients.
    1. You will not receive an email, this is needed to save the form.
  9. Click on Settings tab
  10. Select the Teams you would like to be able to create tickets for this destinations in the Teams dropdown.
  11. Select one or more Group By options
  12. Enable Destination
  13. Click Save
  14. Contact your Customer Support team to help configure all Destination custom ticket formatting.  You will not be able to create any tickets until this step is completed. 
    1. This is needed to ensure all Jira ticket fields are properly filled in, this is especially true if you are using a custom issue types.