Only Administrators can add or edit an Integration.
Search for Integrations
- As an Administrator click on the Integrations page icon in the main navigation
- Click on the magnifying glass icon on the top of the page next to My Integrations
- Type in a Product Name and results should appear
- You can clear the search by clicking on the X at the far right
- Or you can manually click on each Tab and view all available integrations.
Configuring a new Integration
- Find a product you would like to integrate and click on Add Integration button
- You will be presented with a new Integration Configuration screen
- Each Integration requires a unique set of credentials and the forms will be based on that integration, fill it in based on the integration.
- Click Save and Connect
- You will receive a Success or Error alert at the bottom of the screen.
- You may also check on the status of the connection by clicking on Sync History.
Editing an existing Integration
- From the Integrations page click on My Integrations
- This will now be the list of filtered products you have previously configured. Each Product may have one or more integrations so you can open the card by clicking on the "arrow" at the end of the card to open or close the card.
- Click on View Details to jump to that specific integrations configuration page.
- If needed, click on the Pencil (edit) button on the specific integration you would like to edit from the section on the left.
- When done editing click Save and Connect
Monitoring an existing Integration
- From the Integrations page click on My Integrations tab
- For the specific integrations you are curious about, open the card to show all integrations for that product.
- Each integration will display a row/card that displays the last sync date. This can be used as your first indication of an issue, if the sync date is older than you expected something may be wrong.
- Note: We will add improved alerts here to show if the integration has failed.
- Click on the Integration View Details and then click on Sync History for the specific integration
- Each row displays the syncs the platform has attempted to complete to include the status and duration of each attempt.
- You may export this data if you'd like to do manual analysis of this data.
- In the future we will provide metrics on your integrations.
Troubleshooting an Integration
- There are two types of issues, those that you can fix without NopSec help and those that will require NopSec to investigate.
- For issues you can fix, the Status code will display either Credentials or Access Error.
- In these situations the issue may be related to permissions set for the specific account used in this integration that you can change by going to the product's user management pages.
- Or the credentials have expired which you can then renew and update the configuration to use new credentials.
- For items stating Error only then those issues should be reported to NopSec by submitting a ticket.